Mark Kac Seminar

June 6, 2008

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Location: Utrecht, KNG80, room 130

11:15-13:00 speaker: David Brydges (Vancouver) title: Statistical Mechanics and the Renormalisation Group


For over thirty years, there has been a systematic method in theoretical physics for calculating the detailed properties of scaling limits of models such as self-avoiding walk in four dimensions. These calculations usually involve the following steps

(1) write the model as a perturbation of a Gaussian integral

(2) apply the renormalisation group to determine a simplified form of the perturbation which is equivalent in the scaling limit.

(3) calculate on the basis of this simplified form.

This gives rise to the important idea that only a limited class of simple models needs to be studied in order to classify scaling limits. However it is difficult to carry out step (2) rigorously, except for hierarchical lattices (leaves of trees). I will review some modest successes within this program for models on hierarchical and Euclidean lattices.

14:15-16:00 speaker: Antonio Galves (São Paulo) title: Stochastic chains with memory of variable length: perfect simulation and consequences


Stochastic chains with memory of variable length constitute an interesting family of stochastic chains of infinite order on a finite alphabet. The idea is that for each past, only a finite suffix of the past, called context, is enough to predict the next symbol. These models were first introduced in the information theory literature by Rissanen (1983) as a universal tool to perform data compression. Subsequently, they have been used to model up scientific data in areas as different as biology, linguistics and music.

In recent years chains with memory of variable length received a lot of attention in the statistics literature, with several papers dedicated to the study of the properties of the algorithm Context and other estimators of the probabilistic context tree defining the chain. But not much has been done to better understand the probabilistic structure of these chains. Not even the basic problem of the existence of these chains when the tree of contexts is unbounded has been properly addressed.

In my talk I will present a new way to perform a perfect simulation of a chain with memory of variable length. This will imply the existence and uniqueness of the stationary chain. This will also provide an upper bound for the rate at which the chain converges to the stationary regime. The success of the procedure is assured by a new type of condition on the rate at which the length of the contexts grow.

Mark Kac Seminar 2007-2008  

last updated: 29 May 2008 by Markus