Mark Kac Seminar
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Location: Utrecht, KNG80, room 130
11:15-13:00 | speaker: David Brydges (Vancouver) | title: Statistical Mechanics and the Renormalisation Group |
abstract: For over thirty
years, there has been a systematic method in theoretical physics for
calculating the detailed properties of scaling limits of models such as
self-avoiding walk in four dimensions. These calculations usually involve
the following steps |
14:15-16:00 | speaker: Antonio Galves (São Paulo) | title: Stochastic chains with memory of variable length: perfect simulation and consequences |
Stochastic chains with memory of
variable length constitute an interesting family of stochastic chains of
infinite order on a finite alphabet. The idea is that for each past, only a
finite suffix of the past, called context, is enough to predict the next
symbol. These models were first introduced in the information theory
literature by Rissanen (1983) as a universal tool to perform data
compression. Subsequently, they have been used to model up scientific data
in areas as different as biology, linguistics and music. |
Mark Kac Seminar 2007-2008 |
last updated: 29 May 2008 by Markus |